Last night Jimmy and I decided to get creative. I had bought four canvases and some acrylic paints a couple of weeks ago and we put them to use. We went to JoAnn Fabric Store and looked at fabric we liked and took pictures of them. We then brought the pictures home and began painting the canvases to look like the fabric, only we used the colors in our house. Below are pictures of our "craft time." I think Jimmy did an amazing job painting his two canvases! I married such a wonderful and creative man! My canvases are...well... not as good. But we worked together and had a wonderful time. Today we will hang them up in our house.
Friday, April 4, 2008
So call me Suzie Homemaker... :)
Posted by Amanda at 11:19 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Hump Day
Well, its Wednesday (Wednesday is the third day of the week in most western countries and the fourth day of the week in the Christian calendar, between Tuesday and Thursday)...half way through my SPRING BREAK, which is really no break at all; rather, it is a brief intermission between school work (UCF) and work at the school (TCHS), which is about as balanced as an upside down pyramid. I feel, however, that I have gotten a lot accomplished this week... I went on a mini vacation with Jimmy's family and manged not to put my foot in my mouth even once the entire four days we were there.
I bought curtains for ALL of the windows in my house and bribed my husband into putting them up for me (which required a lot of work and drilling thru concrete and metal).
I completed 4 assignments that are due for my Nature of Autism Theory and Educational Practice class along with 4 tests that were to be completed by next week.
Posted by Amanda at 1:03 AM 0 comments