So Jimmy and I went shopping today and on the way home we fantasized about driving to "our home." So we decided to detour from our usually route to his parents' house and went by our "soon-to-be" home. To our surprise we FINALLY have some landscaping. There are some bushes and some grass and even a few trees! This is really exciting because now it looks even more like a home.
I was thinking today...I am so blessed to have the opportunity for my first home to be completely new. Not only that, but GOD has shown himself true in so many ways throughout this whole process. It is in times like this that I become overwhelmed by how much GOD loves me. No matter how many times I fail, whether by screwing up rather royally, or just failing to listen to His call, He continues to love me just the same. I question sometimes; how is it that I am worthy of this love? And then I remember this: I am created in God's image and though I have fallen, God loved me so much that He sent His Son to die for all my shortcomings. This tells me something about my worth (and I have a tendency to question God and I often remind myself of this). When God says that He proved His love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us, He is expressing what we are worth to Him. He created us in His perfect image. He "owns" us so to speak. And in the shedding of Christ's blood, He bestowed upon us the greatest gift that He could give. God could have secured our salvation for a much lower price if He chose. He could have made things to turn out differently. But He chose the to offer the HIGHEST price for our salvation. And God tells us over and over how much we are worth to Him. He calls us sons, dearly loved children, and he tells us that He will give us good gifts and discipline. In other words, He will treat us the way loving father should treat his children. What are our own sons worth to us? They are priceless. There is no amount of money that could convince us to sell them. If that is so for sinful parents, how much more is it so for God? Will He ever give us up? Can anything ever separate us from His love?

So anyhow... I am VERY thankful to GOD for all He has done for me lately. I pray that He continues to bless Jimmy and I in our life together. I hope that you will pray the same for us as well.
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