Sunday, February 22, 2009

29 weeks, 3 days - Well Into My Third Trimester!

I was thinking today about being pregnant... I feel so fortunate. Sometimes, I think it is a dream; this can’t be my life. I have such a wonderful husband and we are both so happy to have conceived this child. I’ve been lucky, we’ve been lucky, to found each other and to begin this journey together. It is a new life for both of us (and Madelyn too!).

The feeling of this little life kicking inside of me puts so many things into perspective. I am learning about a new kind of love; it is a love and a bond with something that is not yet fully formed. That makes it so special. I am in awe of this relationship I am building with a WONDERFUL little person that I don't fully know yet. I can't explain how that makes me feel. I am so excited and I can't wait until I get to meet her face to face for the first time! That is going to be a wonderful day!


I have made it to my 3rd trimester! I am 29 weeks pregnant and I am feeling pretty good considering. I am starting to have trouble sleeping comfortably at night, but that is to be expected with a new person living inside of me. I have a little heartburn and indigestion when I overeat, but other than that I am good. Jimmy says that I am getting pretty moody. I am trying to be conscious of that when I blow up at him for no reason, but we will both survive... I have gained more weight, but not too much. I am at 165lbs now.

Madelyn is continuing to grow and she is moving about like crazy. She seems to enjoy music (I don't think I'd expect anything else from her). Jimmy bought some headphones that fit around my belly and I try to play music for her once or twice a day. I am hoping the stimulation will encourage her learning. She appears to be maintaining a pretty consistent sleep/wake cycle and I am starting to be able to predict when she will be most active. I hope she keeps this schedule when she gets here!


Laura Z said...

For predicting her movement habits, have you been writing down times or is that when you're just noticing them the most?

I also have the microphone thingy. It came with some prenatal and postnatal tunage but DH wants to get it hooked on country... so not my thing lol.