Monday, March 26, 2007

Good Times!

So my cousin came to spend the weekend with me. It was a lot of fun. I really enjoy spending time with her especially since we have so much in common. It brings me so much joy to be able to connect with someone in my family. I find it amazing how we spent many years pretty much out of immediate contact and somehow ended up on the same page…WEIRD!

We were blessed to have been able to take our younger cousin, Jessica, shopping on Saturday. Jessica is expecting her first child in June. (I’m SO JEALOUS!!!) We took her to buy “maternity” clothes. It was neat that NONE of the clothes we bought were maternity. The style now is so blousy that she didn’t have to get maternity. How cool is that?

Anyhow, we (Michelle and I) had a great time; lots of great fellowship together. I don’t really attend church much anymore… so it was nice to discuss my stressors with Michelle and get her feedback on it. I really love her and thank God she is close enough to me now to be a bigger, more involved, part of my life. :)

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Michelle is Coming!

My favorite cousin, Michelle, is coming to stay with me this weekend. I am VERY excited that she is coming. We have a fun weekend planned! We are going scrapbooking on Friday night at Memry's house. Saturday morning, if we are coherent, we are going with our moms and our cousin, Jessica (she's having a baby soon), to buy Jessica some items she needs since she is pregnant. That is going to be so much fun! Anyhow, the girly times we will have this weekend are much needed especially since we work so much. It is nice for all of us to get a break and enjoy one another. :) I will write more after my weekend...

Saturday, March 17, 2007

What is Saint Patrick's Day?

Brief Overview:

St. Patrick is believed to have driven the snakes from Ireland. Once a pagan himself, St. Patrick is one of Christianity's most widely known figures.

The modern secular holiday is based on the original Christian saint's feast day also thought to be the date of the saint's death. In 1737, Irish immigrants to the United States began observing the holiday publicly in Boston and held the first St. Patrick's Day Parade in New York City in 1766.

Today, the tradition continues with people from all walks and heritages by wearing green, eating Irish food, and attending parades. St. Patrick's Day is bursting with folklore; from the shamrock to the leprechaun and to pinching those that are not wearing green.

What Did St. Patty Do?

It has long been recounted that, during his mission in Ireland, St. Patrick once stood on a hilltop (which is now called Croagh Patrick), and with only a wooden staff by his side, banished all the snakes from Ireland.

In fact, the island nation was never home to any snakes. The "banishing of the snakes" was really a metaphor for the eradication of pagan ideology from Ireland and the triumph of Christianity. Within two hundred years of Patrick's arrival, Ireland was completely Christianized.

My New Book: The Dust Off Their Feet: Lessons from the First Church

I don't know... The book is about the book of Acts from the bible.
I thought it looked cool. I liked the feet. We'll see...

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

$crapbook $hopping $$$

This week, EVERY DAY... I went shopping for scrapbook supplies... Oh MY! I never knew how crazy I would go over scrapbooking. It is incredibly addictive. I went all out too!

I now own a rolling scrapbook cart, and supply carrying bag and all sorts of scrapbook things. It is costing me mucho money$$$$$$! Anyhow, I think I am set for a while... I think...

Monday, March 12, 2007


Michelle thinks I am silly... I had no clue what an iceberg wedge was. Well... This is what it looked like after I ordered it... So for all those people who don't know; now you know. Wedge means a wedge of lettuce! Thanks Michelle!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

I am Chocolate Cake

You Are a Chocolate Cake

Fun, comforting, and friendly.
You are a true classic, and while you're not super cutting edge, you're high quality.
People love your company - and have even been known to get addicted to you.

Interesting Book... "SEX GOD"... Good Read!

Below is a description from Amazon...

Bell raises the bar with this evocative follow-up to last year's bestseller Velvet Elvis. "Is sex a picture of heaven?" he wonders. It's all about God and sex and heaven, he says: "...they're connected. And they can't be separated. Where the one is you will always find the other." Bell's book isn't a sex manual, an exploration of the differences between men and women or a marriage how-to, though all of that is here. Instead, it's the story of God becoming human, of humans mirroring God and love made manifest in the chaos of our humanity. Sex God is about relationships revealed in a way that elevates the human condition and offers hope to those whose relationships are wounded. In Bell's spare, somewhat oblique style, he addresses lust, respect, denial, risk, acceptance and more. His love for God and the Bible is clear, as is his ability to ask probing questions and offer answers that make readers think deeply about their own lives. He does a fine job using the Bible and real life to show that our physical relationships are really about spiritual relationships. This book joyfully ties, and then tightens, the knot between God and humankind. (Mar.)

The book is a lot more than the title as you can see... I read it in 2 days, it is a quick read. I wouldn't say it was as good as "Velvet Elvis" but it was good. I enjoyed how Bell explains sexuality as being a God given thing. Especially since a lot of christians (like me), who grew up in the church, grew up being taught to supress their sexuality because it is sinful. I think this "christian" view on human sexuality only contributes to mutiple marriage counseling sessions later in life... The chapter "Too many People Under the Chuppah" was great especially after I googled the word "chuppah" and read up on what is actually was... Anyhow, the book was good and it really hit home with me on a lot of things.

Life is a BEACH

So... I spent the weekend (March 9-11, 2007)at Disney's Vero Beach Resort with Jimmy and his family. We had an awesome time. It was soooo beautiful. Much to my surprise, I really enjoyed myself. I was able to read an entire book, SEX GOD by Rob Bell, it was rather interesting.... I also enjoyed some really good food at the resort restaurant, SHUTTERS. If you know me well, you know I LOVE FOOD!!! We stayed in a 3 Bedroom Beach Cottage (picture below). From our cottage we could constantly hear the sound of the crashing waves (picture above is off of the 2nd story back balcony). It was VERY relaxing. There is something wonderful about being that near to the ocean. (I definitely had no problem falling asleep).

So anyhow, we arrived on Friday evening (Jimmy had to work) and met his parents for dinner at SHUTTERS. I ordered an Iceberg Wedge for my appetizer... Why didn't anyone tell me that iceberg wedge literally meant WEDGE of ICEBERG LETTUCE. Yuck! For my entree I had a Spit Fired-Half Chicken with mashed potatoes and garlicky spinach it was great. Jimmy, of course, had steak. We went back to the room and the family watched movies while I began my book. I fell asleep early that night.

Saturday, Jimmy and I slept in until 11:30am or so. We had missed breakfast... BUT I had chocolate cake and Cheeto's (Don't Ask!) and then Jimmy cooked us eggs and canadian bacon. After our breakfast we found our way out to the beach. It was beautiful! We walked along the beach and took pictures. I enjoyed it. When we tired of that, we went to the pool and then back to the cottage and I finished my book. Jimmy and I decided we wanted a drink so we walked to the pool and ordered 4 "Sunken Treasure" drinks... MMMMMmmmmm... They were awesome (we didn't drink all four, we shared)!

As you can see, I had a great time. Sorry you all couldn't have been there also!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

My Favorite Song ... GLORY

GLORY - Selah and Nicole Nordeman

One day eyes that are blind will see you clearly And one day all who deny will finally believe One day hearts made of stone will break in pieces And one day chains once unbroken will fall down at your feet So we wait for that one day come quickly

We want to see your Glory Every knee falls down before thee Every tongue offers you praise With every hand raised Singing Glory To you and unto you only We'll sing Glory to Your name

One day voices that lie will all be silent One day all that's divided will be whole again One day death will retreat and wave it's white flag One day love will defeat the strongest enemy So we wait for that one day come quickly

We want to see your Glory Every knee falls down before thee Every tongue offers you praise With every hand raised Singing Glory To you and unto you only We'll sing Glory to Your name

We know not the day or the hour Or the moments in between But we know the end of the story When we'll see

Your Glory Every knee falls down before thee Every tongue offers you praise With every hand raised Singing Glory To you and unto you only We'll sing Glory to Your name

Saturday, March 3, 2007

What Kind of Cook?

You Are a Learning Cook

You've got the makings of an excellent cook, and the desire to be one.
But right now, you're just lacking the experience. You couldn't be a top chef yet, but you could be an apprentice.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Be a Light

So yesterday a co-worker sent me a very eye-opening email....

"It has been a blessing to have known you, you are God sent. I’m so thankful are to him for placing you here and I know it wasn’t by accident. I will pray that you will be placed here next year. I can’t even imagine it without you."

New to my workplace, I was completely unaware I had made an impact on anybody. I had just been myself. I guess we don't really pay attention to how every word we say and all our actions are constantly being observed by others, and we touch people just by living our lives.

Hmmmm... Just something to think about!