So... I spent the weekend (March 9-11, 2007)at Disney's Vero Beach Resort with Jimmy and his family. We had an awesome time. It was soooo beautiful. Much to my surprise, I really enjoyed myself. I was able to read an entire book, SEX GOD by Rob Bell, it was rather interesting.... I also enjoyed some really good food at the resort restaurant, SHUTTERS. If you know me well, you know I LOVE FOOD!!! We stayed in a 3 Bedroom Beach Cottage (picture below). From our cottage we could constantly
hear the sound of the crashing waves (picture above is off of the 2nd story back balcony). It was VERY relaxing. There is something wonderful about being that near to the ocean. (I definitely had no problem falling asleep).

So anyhow, we arrived on Friday evening (Jimmy had to work) and met his parents for dinner at SHUTTERS. I ordered an Iceberg Wedge for my appetizer... Why didn't anyone tell me that iceberg wedge literally meant WEDGE of ICEBERG LETTUCE. Yuck! For my entree I had a Spit Fired-Half Chicken with mashed potatoes and garlicky spinach it was great. Jimmy, of course, had steak. We went back to the room and the family watched movies while I began my book. I fell asleep early that night.
Saturday, Jimmy and I slept in until 11:30am or so. We had missed breakfast... BUT I had chocolate cake and Cheeto's (Don't Ask!) and then Jimmy cooked us eggs and canadian bacon. After our breakfast we found our way out to the beach. It was beautiful! We walked along the beach and took pictures. I enjoyed i
t. When we tired of that, we went to the pool and then back to the cottage and I finished my book. Jimmy and I decided we wanted a drink so we walked to the pool and ordered 4 "Sunken Treasure" drinks... MMMMMmmmmm... They were awesome (we didn't drink all four, we shared)!

As you can see, I had a great time. Sorry you all couldn't have been there also!
WOW!! Looks like a lot of fun. I wish I could have had my massage on the beach in the pictures. Or, maybe a balcony or porch of the Villa. That would have been nice. I did have ocean music in my room, kindov felt like the beach.....no, actually not the same. Anyways, can't wait to hear more about it.
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