We went last night and watched HP5 for the second time with Jimmy's cousins, Eric (12) and Erin (9). It was interesting. We wanted to go see it in 3-D at the I-Max Theater at Pointe Orlando, but the only available showing was too late for the kids. So we went to the AMC at Universal Orlando City Walk. The movie was great...again. I feel like I got more out of it the 2nd time. What was entertaining was that Erin, who is only 9 has never watched a Potter movie. She sat most of the movie with her eyes covered. I think she asked to go to the bathroom 4 times while we were in there. Its a good thing I had already seen the movie before! Eric didn't say much. He is too quiet for my taste. And GRUMPY as all get out! Well... here is a picture of the both of them...
Thanks for going with me and them the other day. I know that we would've had more fun doing anything else (like seeing HP5 in IMAX 3D). Anyway they were brats as usual, my Aunt should be slapped for having children like that. I love you.
I am a Woman wearing many hats; Wife, Teacher, Friend, Sister, God-Sister, Daughter, Granddaughter, Cousin, and so many more!
I love teaching and I love learning new things even more. I consider myself a lifelong learner and will probably be continuing my education for quite some time. I believe that as a teacher I must constantly be learning in effort to stay on top of my game.
I am in love with my best friend, Jimmy. He is the best part of my life. I can't imagine life without him.
Family is very important to me. I have a large extended family and many people find it hard to understand, but if you knew my family...you would definitely understand... They are quirky, but well worth the trouble.
A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell.
C.S. Lewis
Thanks for going with me and them the other day. I know that we would've had more fun doing anything else (like seeing HP5 in IMAX 3D). Anyway they were brats as usual, my Aunt should be slapped for having children like that. I love you.
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