Sunday, March 11, 2007

Interesting Book... "SEX GOD"... Good Read!

Below is a description from Amazon...

Bell raises the bar with this evocative follow-up to last year's bestseller Velvet Elvis. "Is sex a picture of heaven?" he wonders. It's all about God and sex and heaven, he says: "...they're connected. And they can't be separated. Where the one is you will always find the other." Bell's book isn't a sex manual, an exploration of the differences between men and women or a marriage how-to, though all of that is here. Instead, it's the story of God becoming human, of humans mirroring God and love made manifest in the chaos of our humanity. Sex God is about relationships revealed in a way that elevates the human condition and offers hope to those whose relationships are wounded. In Bell's spare, somewhat oblique style, he addresses lust, respect, denial, risk, acceptance and more. His love for God and the Bible is clear, as is his ability to ask probing questions and offer answers that make readers think deeply about their own lives. He does a fine job using the Bible and real life to show that our physical relationships are really about spiritual relationships. This book joyfully ties, and then tightens, the knot between God and humankind. (Mar.)

The book is a lot more than the title as you can see... I read it in 2 days, it is a quick read. I wouldn't say it was as good as "Velvet Elvis" but it was good. I enjoyed how Bell explains sexuality as being a God given thing. Especially since a lot of christians (like me), who grew up in the church, grew up being taught to supress their sexuality because it is sinful. I think this "christian" view on human sexuality only contributes to mutiple marriage counseling sessions later in life... The chapter "Too many People Under the Chuppah" was great especially after I googled the word "chuppah" and read up on what is actually was... Anyhow, the book was good and it really hit home with me on a lot of things.


Michelle said...

Sounds like a great book. I'm still getting through "Velvet Elvis". When I get finished, I will probably borrow that one from you. Oh, and by the way a lettuce wedge IS a lettuce wedge. Sorry I didn't share that with you ahead of time. Some things you have to learn the hard way. Ha Ha Ha.